10 de enero de 2009

Parallel Synchronized Randomness

 P. S. R. Parallel Synchronized Randomness.
An interesting brain rarity and our subject for today.
Two people walk in opposite directions at the same time
and then they make the same decision at the same time.
Then they correct it, and then they correct it, and then they correct it,
and then they correct it, and then they correct it.
Basically, in a mathematical world
these two little guys will stay looped for the end of time.
The brain is the most complex thing in the universe
and it's right behind the nose.  

2 comentarios:

  1. I think you are cool, we have very similar taste in film. i also love what you've done here in your blog. =) "in dreams emotions are overwhelming"

  2. Aw thank you sweety :)
    its nice to know ppl with the same taste hehe
